Thursday, July 21, 2011

Embrace the Camera: Embracing my Grandparents

My grandparents are a hoot!
I could tell you countless stories about them
and the funny things that they say and do
(like how my grandma irons underwear!),
but really, stories don't do them justice.
I'm determined to do a video interview with them the next time we see each other.
You better believe I'll share it!

Here are a couple of photos we took together
at my brother's college graduation festivities
in Evanston, Illinois last month.

By the way, Grandma just turned 83 last week.
Happy Birthday, Grandma!

I'm linking up with The Anderson Crew!


  1. What a sweet couple! They are about my parents age! Glad you joined in today so I could find your blog.

  2. She irons underwear?! I don't iron ANYTHING anymore!! If it ain't wash n wear... fagetaboutit! hehe
