Thursday, July 21, 2011

Embrace the Camera: Embracing my Grandparents

My grandparents are a hoot!
I could tell you countless stories about them
and the funny things that they say and do
(like how my grandma irons underwear!),
but really, stories don't do them justice.
I'm determined to do a video interview with them the next time we see each other.
You better believe I'll share it!

Here are a couple of photos we took together
at my brother's college graduation festivities
in Evanston, Illinois last month.

By the way, Grandma just turned 83 last week.
Happy Birthday, Grandma!

I'm linking up with The Anderson Crew!

Hometown Glory

I'm from Iowa.
I LOVE Iowa.
And I love that I grew up there.

My work friends are not farm-people. At all.
In fact, they think the stories I tell are hysterical.
So hysterical, in fact, that they have a top ten list of "You know you're from Iowa when..."
It's actually turned more into a top 23 list, but whatev!

Here are some of my favorites from that list.

You know you're from Iowa when...
-You never lived in a town with a stoplight until you moved away to college. Not joking. There was ONE stoplight in my entire county. Just one.
-Your high school math teacher was also your track coach, basketball coach, an attorney, and owned the town's grocery store.
-There is a place to fix your tractors on Main Street. And Main Street is wide enough that two combines can travel in opposite directions down the road at the same time.
-You know what a combine is.
-You've shown any kind of livestock at the county fair.
-You were in every single extra-curricular activity because if you didn't, there wouldn't be a team.
-You grew up in a town of 350 people, graduated with 42 people in your class (and you know all of them) and that's totally normal.

I've always wanted to give my friends a tour of my hometown
so when I went back this summer, I did a video tour.

I seriously hope you enjoy it as much as they did!
And for reals... I had just had four cavities filled. Be kind :)

My First Home

Well, I bought a house.
And I moved in less than a week after my 26th birthday.

Here are some pictures of what it looked like during the move-in process.
It looks much more homey now.
I even have art on the walls! My favorite!
(I'll post about that soon, too.)

I haven't spent a whole lot of time at home yet.
I've travelled to Iowa, Chicago, and Kids' Camp since moving in,
but I love my little house.
And I love the time I get to spend there.
I might even become a home-body!

Check it out!

Please excuse the boxes, random stuff on my counters, suitcases, plastic totes, etc.
I was moving in, after all.  :)