Friday, April 29, 2011

Texting with Dad

Me: I watched the royal wedding. My new favorite English word is betwixt. I've been dying to use it and wouldn't you know it... I just parked betwixt two old lady golf carts. Hahaha! I crack myself up!

Dad: I believe the proper British response would be, "Brilliant!"

I love that I've finally gotten my dad to text, that he enjoys fun words as much as I do, and most of all, that we both love to laugh at old lady golf carts. Next time, I promise I'll take a picture!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Eggstravaganza

I know it must be hard to believe, but in 25 years of celebrating Easter, I had never dyed Easter eggs! This year, I was invited over to an Easter BBQ after surviving 9 services and a carnival at church. We had a great time eating delicious food, but an even better time dying eggs (and coming up with as many "egg"-y puns as possible)!

Half of the eggcelent crew!

Humpty Dumpty.
Fortunately, Humpty did not fall. The egg version of Justin Bieber was not so lucky. :)

My very 1st dyed egg!

The finished works of art!

Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lexie Lu

When I first thought about starting this blog, I was most excited for Thursdays because of Embrace the Camera with The Anderson Crew!

Emily encourages bloggers to get out from behind the camera and take pictures of ourselves with kids/pets/family/friends/whomever so that 50 years down the road, people will know what we looked like way back when.

Since I don't have any kiddos of my own, I borrow my friends' children. They usually oblige. :)

Lexie (whom I refer to as "Lexie Lu") is the littlest little over at Life with the Wiensies, and one of my faves. She and I were (obviously) having a little too much fun at her older sister's softball game.

Lexie recently told her mom, "Mommy, I have for names! Lexie, Lexie Lu, Alexandria, and Lexie W." Love her!

Join the fun!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Note to Self:

If you have done a pretty good workout including some intense leg work in the not wear flip-flops on your way to work. If you do, you may end up not being able to lift your leg high enough to get it over that annoying little edge in your car door opening, causing you to fall INTO your car in front of your neighbor.*

*I'm not saying this happened to ME, It's just good, solid advice.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Z+M 4-16-11

I have a little brother. My little brother is actually taller than me. MUCH taller. I still like to call him my little brother, though... I figure it keeps him in his place.

Well, over the weekend, my little brother (his name is Zachary, in case you were wondering...Zach for short) got ENGAGED to his longtime girlfriend, Melissa! Z+M have been dating for more than four years and I have been bugging him to make it official and put a ring on it for at least 2 of those years. I really gave him a hard time when just last Christmas, he gave her a promise ring. A DIAMOND promise ring to wear on a very special finger. Z always said he wanted to wait until he was out of school for a while to get engaged. He wanted to wait until he was a little more established in a job before buying an expensive ring (he always was the smart one).

Well, I guess he got sick of waiting, because on Saturday, just two months shy of graduating from Northwestern University, he proposed to M on the shore of Lake Michigan. This is very exciting! Here are some pictures of their romantic engagment day:

Congratulations Zach & Melissa!


I’ve been wanting to start a blog for a while now. Correction: my friends have been trying to get me to start a blog for a while now.
Many of my friends have amazing blogs and always have something witty and/or worthwhile to share. Part of their desire for me to start a blog is because I love making cupcakes for the incredible parties that they throw. They love blogging about parties and they love giving credit where credit is due.
Until now, they have merely captioned my cupcake photos with, “Cupcakes by my friend, Eva.” UNTIL NOW.
That’s right folks, tag away because my blog has arrived!
Now, although I make cupcakes, it is not my full-time job, nor is it something I do on a regular basis, so don’t expect to see cupcakes every day, mmmkay? I’ll write about my real life too.
I’m glad we got that cleared up. Welcome to my blog!